Govt. Degree College Indora (H.P.)

Govt. Degree College Indora District Kangra (H.P.)

NAAC Accredited with Grade B

Govt. Degree College Indora District Kangra (H.P.)

NAAC Accredited with Grade B

Govt. Degree College Indora District Kangra

NAAC Accredited with Grade B

Divyangjan Policy


The earlier emphasis on medical rehabilitation has now been replaced by an emphasis on social rehabilitation for the disabled. There has been an increasing recognition of abilities of persons with disabilities and emphasis on mainstreaming them in the society based on their capabilities. The college particularly plays a very important role in this aspect. Although the percentage of disabled persons is very less the college makes adequate arrangements and offers facilities to the students who are disabled in any way. The college is against all kinds of discrimination on any grounds including disability. It follows the legislation by the constitution of India in which persons with disability must be given equal opportunities, have protection rights and be allowed full participation any activity. The college is committed to provide education, employment and create a barrier free environment for all. All the faculty & staff members of the institute shall strive to extend a helping hand towards the differently abled so as to make sure that they benefit from the courses, administrations and activities. Disability sensitization sessions to be a part of the students and Employee induction programme.




  • To provide accessible and inclusive education at the college.
  • To create a culture that is inclusive, non-discriminatory, non-exploitative for all in all spheres of work and education.
  • To create suitable and robust regulatory mechanism for effective delivery of services for disabled students and Staff of the college.
  • To ensure implementation of all legislations with respect to persons with disabilities.
  • To ensure full participation of persons with disabilities in all activities of the college and to provide them the equal opportunities for development.
  • Facilities are provided time to time as per government rules.
  • To ensure the awareness programmes for all the teachers and non teaching staff regarding the issues of accessibility. The college shall provide the following support for the disabled student.




Other facilities to be made available for Employees, Students & Visitors :

  • Ramps are made to ensure free movement of the students, employees and visitors on ground floor.
  • Toilets are available in an easy access area for students, employees and visitors
  • Wheel chairs are provided for disabled students in the campus.